Lynn Boggess, A Painter in the Woods at Haen Gallery, NYC

Take a quick glance at the image above and it just looks like a bunch of paint. Amazingly, when you step back a few paces, those globs of paint transform into an ultra realistic landscape (see below). These unbelievable paintings are by artist Lynn Boggess, who sets up shop in the woods in West Virginia throughout the year and paints meditative, serene images of nature. The way Boggess depicts these scenes is quite amazing - Lynn's technique results in a unique three dimensional texture and the works can take a full year to fully dry due to the layers upon layers of paint used. It's rare that I'm taken aback by a landscape painting, but there's something so different about Boggess' style that really draws me in.

Learn more about Lynn Boggess here, and if you're in NYC we suggest stopping by The Haen Gallery to check out his work in person.

what Lynn Boggess Recent Work
when May 10 - May 24
where The Haen Gallery, Suite 504 547 W. 27th St. NYC