Cool Spaces: The Hourglass Winery

We're continuing our 'Cool Spaces' series which we started over a year ago with a look into the Hourglass Winery in California's renowned Napa Valley.  Unlike neighboring vineyards which have borrowed architecture from the wine producing regions in Spain and France, Hourglass sought to create its own style unique to the modern lifestyle of California.  

In an early brainstorming session, the Smith family that owns Hourglass presented the architects at Lundberg Design with a simple Swedish barn to serve as inspiration for the sleek winery which produces wine in a cutting-edge style to match the look of the vineyard.  With construction started in 2007, Hourglass has been finished since 2009 and can be visited by appointment only. Check out more pictures of the awesomely designed space nestled into the hills of California below.